Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance

In property management, fire protection management is one important part, and fire fighting equipment is the major part in fire protection management, thus Fountain Property pays much attention to the maintenance of fire fighting equipment.


Automatic fire alarm system, fire hydrant system, alarm control loop, automatic sprinkling extinguishing system, smoke prevention and ventilation system, gas extinguishing system, integrated fire control system (including accident broadcast and interphone).

2.Regular inspection

(1)Fire hydrant system: water gun spraying test, water pump automatic start up.

(2)automatic sprinkling extinguishing system: water flow indicating alarm in the end drainage test, water pump automatic start up, wet alarm valve bell test.

(3)automatic fire alarm system: add smoke test alarm, add temperature test alarm, manual control alarm

(4) smoke prevention and ventilation system: alarm signal-linked air valve, air valve-linked fan, manual control fan.

(5)gas extinguishing system: manual start up test, automatic start up test.

(6)integrated fire control system: accident broadcast, interphone communication.


(1) during inspection, old materials and equipment that need to be changed, maintenance staff will submit a written report for approval of purchase.

(2) Regularly check the fire extinguishing agent, maintenance staff will help with removal and installation.